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The tragedy of suicide affects thousands of people in the United States every year. The moment of desperation leading to suicide can happen to anyone, regardless of their age, gender, or background. If you know someone who is thinking about suicide, it’s essential to take their feelings seriously and offer support. If you are feeling very sad or hopeless, please reach out for support. 

Recognizing the Signs of Suicide Risk

It’s really important to recognize the signs of suicide. When we notice someone might be in trouble, we can offer help early. This might even save their life. Understanding these signs allows us to be there for someone who feels sad or desperate. It also shows that talking about mental health is okay, not something to be ashamed of. We can all make a difference and create a caring community where people feel safe asking for help. 

Here are some signs of suicide risk to watch for: 

  • Words. Pay attention to what a person says. People who are thinking about suicide may say that they don’t want to live anymore.  
  • Feeling Hopeless. If someone talks about feeling hopeless, useless, or like a burden to others, it could mean they are thinking about ending their life.   
  • Mood Changes. Notice if someone’s mood suddenly changes a lot. Big mood swings could be a warning sign.  
  • Being Alone. If a person starts to spend a lot of time alone and avoids their friends or favorite activities, something might be wrong.  
  • Giving Things Away. Watch out if someone starts giving away their belongings for no reason. It might mean they don’t expect to be around anymore.  
  • Risky Behavior. A person may not care about their safety anymore if they start doing dangerous things, like using drugs, drinking too much, or driving recklessly.  
  • Thoughts about Death. Pay attention if a person often talks about death, dying, or what happens after we die. It might mean they are thinking about suicide.  
  • Changes in Appearance or Behavior. Notice if someone stops taking care of themselves, like not bathing or changing clothes. They might also act differently, like being angry or sad. 

Paying attention to signs of suicide risk is really important. It means watching out for clues that someone might be feeling really down or thinking about hurting themselves. By noticing these signs and understanding that mental health matters, you can offer support and help.  

What To Do If You Think Someone Might Be Thinking About Suicide

If you know someone who is talking about suicide, it’s important to take them seriously and help them. Here are some things you can do: 

  • Take it seriously. Don’t ignore or make light of their feelings. Show that you care and want to help. 
  • Listen and understand. Be a good listener and let them share their feelings. Don’t judge or try to solve their problems. Let them know you’re there for them. 
  • Stay calm and caring. Stay calm during the conversation and don’t blame them for their thoughts. Be supportive and understanding. 
  • Ask directly. It may be hard, but ask if they’re thinking about suicide. It won’t make things worse, and it shows you care.  
  • Encourage professional help. Encourage them to talk to a mental health professional. Offer to help them find a therapist, counselor, or doctor who can help. 
  • Offer support and resources. Give them information about help lines, crisis hotlines, and mental health services. Offer to go with them to appointments or help them make phone calls. 
  • Keep them safe. Don’t leave them alone if they’re in immediate danger. Remove anything they could use to hurt themselves, like sharp objects or medicine. Encourage them to call a crisis helpline or take them to the emergency room if necessary. 
  • Involve trusted adults. If they’re a kid and you’re worried about their safety, tell a trusted adult, like a parent, teacher, or school counselor, so they can help. 

Supporting someone who feels suicidal can be hard. It’s important to get help from professionals, like a mental health provider or helpline, to make sure you’re doing the right things to help them.

Where You Can Find Resources for Someone in Crisis 

There are different places where you can find help if you or someone you know is feeling really sad or thinking about suicide. Here are some options: 

  • Helplines and hotlines. There are special phone numbers you can call to talk to trained people who can help you.  
  • If you are experiencing a life-threatening crisis, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988. It is a free, 24-hour hotline where your call will be connected to the crisis center nearest to you.  
  • If you are in an emergency, call 911 or go to your nearest emergency room.  
  • Mental health professionals. There are doctors and therapists who specialize in helping people with mental health problems, including those who are thinking about suicide. They can talk to you and provide treatment to help you feel better. Learn more by visiting these resources: 

Always remember that there are people who want to help you or someone in crisis. You’re not alone. It’s important to reach out and ask for support when you need it.