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Take Social Anxiety Off Your Thanksgiving Menu Seasonal Mental Health

Take Social Anxiety Off Your Thanksgiving Menu

Halloween has passed and the holiday season is in full swing. This week, thoughts turn to turkey, pumpkin pie, gratitude, football and the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade. For some, Thanksgiving is a welcome day of food, family, and relaxation. For people living with social anxiety, it may be anything but relaxing. Instead of dreaming about food and the game, they may be concerned about making it through the day because of all the possible social anxiety triggers:
Dr. Russ Morfitt
November 24, 2014
Overcoming Social Anxiety was HARD, but it changed my life…

Overcoming Social Anxiety was HARD, but it changed my life…

Hi fellow social anxiety fighters! I’m Heidi. I’m 24 and I live in Milwaukee. I’ve dealt with social anxiety my entire life. I can’t remember a time when I didn’t feel nervous about something. My anxiety has focused around food mostly; whether people were monitoring what I was eating, whether people would judge me for what I ordered, whether something would be too expensive, you get the idea.
Dr. Russ Morfitt
October 20, 2014
Measuring Social Anxiety: Social Anxiety Tests, Scales & Inventories

Measuring Social Anxiety: Social Anxiety Tests, Scales & Inventories

The Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale (LSAS) is a short questionnaire used to measure how social anxiety plays a role in different life situations. This social anxiety test was developed in 1987 by Dr. Michael R. Liebowitz, a psychiatrist and researcher at Columbia University. Studies have shown the LSAS to be a cost-effective and efficient way to identify those with social anxiety.
Dr. Russ Morfitt
March 30, 2014
Dealing with Social Anxiety: Holidays, Birthdays & Social Gatherings [video] Seasonal Mental Health

Dealing with Social Anxiety: Holidays, Birthdays & Social Gatherings [video]

I received such a positive response to my  Five Tips for Dealing with Social Anxiety During the Holidays, that I decided to get on video to elaborate on some of my most effective quick tips for social anxiety sufferers. Watch the video below for tips on dealing with social anxiety during holidays, birthdays, and other social gatherings. For more social anxiety related videos, subscribe to the Learn to Live  YouTube channel.
Dr. Russ Morfitt
December 13, 2013